RFP - Professional Marketing Services - Accessibility Awareness Campaign

RFP - Professional Marketing Services - Accessibility Awareness Campaign
Government of Nova Scotia
Active Buyer
Posted On:  21 Nov 2019
Open for bidding on:  21 Nov 2019
Response Deadline:  10 Dec 2019 7:59 PM PST
Not Interested
Opportunity Amount: $1,500.00 to $99,000,000.00 CAD
Response Deadline: 10 Dec 2019 7:59 PM PST
(Closed for response)
Posting ID: 7528932(Doc313604092)
Posting Type: Request for Quotation
Public Posting: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/7528932
Product and Service Categories  (9)
  • Marketing analysis
  • Advertising campaign services
  • Marketing plans
  • Sales or marketing programs
  • Internet based market research
Ship-to or Service Locations
Posting Summary
This Request for Proposals (the "RFP") is an invitation by the Province of Nova Scotia (the "Province") to prospective proponents to submit proposals for the provision of "Professional Marketing Services - Accessibility Awareness Campaign" to the Accessibility Directorate (Department of Justice) and Communications Nova Scotia (CNS), as further described in the RFP Particulars (Appendix D - the "Deliverables"). This RFP is being conducted pursuant to the Nova Scotia Sustainable Procurement Policy and Procurement Manual.
In 2017, the Government of Nova Scotia demonstrated its commitment to creating a more equitable and inclusive province when it passed the Accessibility Act. An important piece of legislation, the Act recognizes that accessibility is a human right and outlines what we need to do as a province to ensure that every Nova Scotian can participate in our society.
Under the Act, Nova Scotia has set a goal to become accessible by 2030. This work is being led by the Accessibility Directorate, which was established to support the implementation and administration of the Act and its regulations. The Directorate is also responsible for addressing broader disability-related initiatives by acting as a central government mechanism that ensures that the concerns of persons with disabilities are advanced and considered by Government.
One of the key elements to reaching the province’s goal is to raise awareness and build capacity among Nova Scotians about the value and importance of accessibility. Therefore, the Accessibility Directorate is seeking professional marketing services to develop and produce a multi-faceted marketing and public education campaign that highlights the barriers that exist for persons with disabilities; the rights of persons with disabilities (human rights); and information about the Accessibility Act and Government’s commitment and progress toward accessibility.  

Please refer to Ariba Event Content for information. All questions are to be directed through the Ariba Sourcing Event Message Board.

Response Deadline Time: 14:00 Atlantic Time

The Province of Nova Scotia does not post budget information. The opportunity amount listed does not reflect the Province’s actual project estimate.

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